Private Bearwatching - Tour "Oh my god, there he is, my first bear. In a clearing at the grazing. We discovered him early. His head lost in the fresh green grass. Suddenly his head starts and he stares in our direction. He starts to run, towards the road we drove. Darrly pressed the accelerator and …
Archiv für Mai 2018
Branding – Pike Mountain Ranch
Joining the Branding at Pike Mountain Ranch At 9.30 am we arrived at Pike Mountain Ranch. It was like in the old western movies only this time I could be there myself. We were lucky taking part because this event takes place only once a year. The owner and Charles, Kirra's fiancé, captured the …
Viewpoint – Nicola Lake
Amazing first View on Nicola Lake One word describing it all: Amazing! We went to a viewpoint on top of the hill from where you can watch over Nicola Lake. The lake has an average depth of 24 metres and is approximately 22 kilometres in length. It was the first time I saw a lake in Canada and now …
First Week is over
Incredible Wahnsinn, wie schnell die erste Woche vergangen ist. Es war aber eine unglaublich coole Woche. Schon so viel erlebt und kennengelernt. Mein erstes Baseballspiel gesehen. Auch wenn es von 12-Jährigen gespielt wurde, war es mega cool. Das Wetter ist sehr wechselhalt, aber das Wochenende …
Finally arrived
Endlich da! Jetlag pur. 10 Stunden Flug und es wird einfach nicht dunkel. 14:00 Uhr in Frankfurt losgeflogen und um 15:40 Uhr pünktlich gelandet. Mir wurde bereits gesagt, dass die "Boarder-Control" streng sei, aber dass sie mich fast wieder zurück geschickt hätten, hätte ich nicht gedacht. Zwei …